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About Us本会简介




今后,“西澳福建同乡会”将定期举行会员大会、文体活动和发展慈善事业。努力联络乡亲情谊,互励互勉,为同乡们排忧解难,借鉴前辈们的成功经验,帮助后辈们在西澳的置业发展开拓出宽敞大道。弘扬中华民族传统,和发扬“输人不输阵,爱拼才会赢,顾人亦顾己,爱乡又爱亲”的“福建精神”。 “游子情怀,唯桑唯梓”,同乡会更将积极发展与祖国家乡的经济文化交流。同时,也为西澳社会的发展和建设做出贡献。除此之外,“西澳福建同乡会”还将发挥牵线搭桥作用,致力与澳洲其他地区和世界各国闽籍社团的交谊合作,谋求共同发展。万事开头难,希望"西澳福建同乡会”能协助西澳的福建华人华侨们共振“八闽雄风”。

The Introduction of Western Australian Fujian Association

The deep-rooted Hokkien spirit of "working hard to win, loving homeland and home fellows" attributes to the widespread prosperity of Hokkien people. Today, they are making prominent contribution to the development of WA and are active from every walk of life.

In conformance with the will of WA Hokkien fellows, "Fujian Assiciation WA" is set up to enhance the unity of and cooperation between Hokkien people living in WA. With all the support, persistence, wisdom and contribution from WA Hokkien fellows, the Association will adhere to the aims of getting fellows together, being cooperative and offering help to those in need. Other goals of the Association are to make WA a place to belong, help the newly migrants to integrate with Australian society, and enhance communication and cooperation between Australian and China, especially Fujian Province.

After a long period of preparation, the day of 19 July, 2008 sees the establishment of the Association. The Association President, together with the Associate Executive President, Associate President, Secretary, Associate Secretary, Finance Minister, Honorary President, Honorary Consultant will endeavor to pave the way for the development of the Association.

The Association will held general assembly on regular base and organize all kinds of activities. Charity is also part of the Association's great mission. Promoting Hokkien spirit as well as Chinese culture, enhancing the cultural and economical communication between Australia and China, the Association will act as a bridge that link Hokkien fellows all around the world. Well begun is half done—— we have confidence that The Fujian Association WA will definitely see its mission out in the near future.