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联合举行座谈会 欢送刘禹同副总领事并欢迎孙安林副总领事履新

日期:2016/1/7 11:37:45 阅读:2569
   2015年3月21日晚,由西澳福建同乡会和大华联会发起、西澳各华人社团联合在汉宫酒家举行座谈会,欢送即将回国履新的中国驻珀斯总领馆刘禹同副总领事,同时欢迎刚刚抵达珀斯莅任的孙安林副总领事。杜玲领事、张明领事,西澳中国和平统一促进会会长、西澳福建同乡会创会会长潘邦炤,《澳大利亚时报》总编、大华联会名誉会长张野博士、西澳福建同乡会会长王群华、荣誉会长洪泉龙、总顾问林祥培,珀斯市议员Lily Chen、大华联会会长袁浩波以及西澳各华人社团侨领、来宾等共100多人出席了座谈会。


The WA Fujian Association Jointly Held a Forum for the
 Former and New Vice Consuls General

On 21st March 2015, a forum was organized by the WA Fujian Association and Association of Australia Chinese Mainlanders and Friends in Han Palace to send off the former Vice Consul General Dr. Yutong Liu, and welcome the new Vice Consul General Ms. Anlin Sun. More than a hundred people attended the forum, including Ms. Ling Du, Mr. Ming Zhang, Consuls, Mr. Bangzhao Pan, President of WA Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China and President of Lifetime Honorary of the WAFA, Dr. Ye Zhang, Editor of Austrailan Chinese Times, Mr. Qunhua Wang, President of the WAFA, Mr. Quanlong Hong, Lifetime Honorary President of the WAFA, Mr. Xiangpei Lin, Senior Advisor of the WAFA, Haobo Yuan, President of the Association of Australia Chinese Mainlanders and Friends.

All the guests expressed their best wishes to Dr. Liu and Ms. Sun and had photos taken with them.