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日期:2016/1/7 11:24:14 阅读:1654

2015年3月6日晚,由西澳福建同乡会主办、西澳各华人社团共同协办的首届“珀斯中国元宵灯会”开幕式在珀斯市中心Forrest Place隆重举行。中国驻珀斯总领馆黄亲国总领事,西澳多元文化部部长Dr. Mike Nahan MLA的代表、议员Eleni Evangel MLA,多元文化权益办公室主任Ms Rebecca Hall,珀斯市市长Lisa Scaffidi代表、市议员Lily Chen女士,西澳福建同乡会会长王群华,西澳中国和平统一促进会会长、西澳福建同乡会荣誉会长潘邦炤,福建同乡会荣誉会长洪泉龙等作为剪彩嘉宾应邀出席活动,各华人社团侨领和来自世界各地的游客以及本地民众数千人集聚一起观看盛大的开幕仪式,可谓盛况空前。


黄亲国总领事、西澳州议员Eleni Evangel MLA代表多元文化部部长Dr. Mike Nahan MLA、Lily Chen议员代表珀斯市长Lisa Scaffidi分别在开幕式中致辞,林祥培老先生作词一首《水调歌头闹元宵》为现场朋友送上了节日的祝福。

在随后的闹元宵文艺演出中,珀斯的华人艺术家们为开幕式献上了一场令人印象深刻的视觉和听觉盛宴,赢得了所有观众的热烈掌声。在等会接近尾声之时,进行了简单的慈善捐赠仪式,将本次现场义卖所得的善款全数捐赠予“滴水阳光”和“Telethon Kid Institute”慈善教育基金。“滴水阳光”慈善基金发起人潘邦炤先生上台接受捐赠并发表感言。



The Opening Ceremony of the First “Perth Chinese Lantern Festival”
On 6th March 2015, an opening ceremony of the first “Perth Chinese Lantern Festival" organized by the WA Fujian Association and co-assisted by various WA Chinese associations, was held in Forrest Chase in Perth city. Dr. Qinguo Huang, Consul General of Consulate-General of the P.R.C in Perth, representatives of Dr. Mike Nahan MLA, Treasurer; Minister for Energy; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, Ms. Eleni Evangel MLA, Member for Perth, representative of Lord Mayor of Perth Ms. Lisa Scaffidi, Councillor of City of Perth, Ms. Lily Chen, Mr. Qunhua Wang, President of the WAFA, Mr. Bangzhao Pan, WA Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China and Honorary President of the WAFA, and Mr. Quanlong Hong, Honorary President of the association, were invited to attend as ribbon-cutting guests. Leaders of each Chinese association, tourists and local people, thousands of people gathered together watching such grand opening ceremony that was unprecedented lively! 

After the ribbon-cutting, Mr. Wang gave a speech first. He said the main purpose that the WAFA organized this event was trying to introduce Chinese long history and profound traditional culture to Perth. He hoped that such traditional Lantern Festival could be held every year, making "Perth Chinese Lantern Festival" become an excellent culture representative with traditional Chinese characteristics. 

Dr. Huang, Ms. Eleni Evangel MLA, on behalf of Dr. Mike Nahan MLA, and Ms. Lily Chen on behalf of Ms. Lisa Scaffidi, conducted a speech respectively. Mr. Xiangpei Lin wrote a poem "Celebrating Lantern Festival" to pass his best wishes to all the guests and friends.  

Nearly the end of the festival, a simple donation ceremony was held. All money gained from charity sale in this event was donated to the "Drip Sunshine" and "Telethon Kid Institute" Charitable Education Fund. Mr. Pan, as the founder of "Dripping Sunshine" charity, accepted the donations and delivered a brief speech.

The celebration ended with a wonderful lion dance. Through this event, the traditional Chinese culture was inherited and spread further in Western Australia. 

Mr. Hong was the producer of "Perth Chinese Lantern Festival”. Ms. Wenbo Chen, director of Education and Culture Department of Fujian Association of Western Australia, was theatrical programme producer and stage manager.