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日期:2016/1/7 11:08:06 阅读:1616

2015年2月22日,西澳福建同乡会“欢庆羊年春节庆祝活动”在位于Canning Vale的新“福建之家”会所隆重举行。中国驻珀斯总领馆黄亲国总领事、Bayswater市长Mr. Sylvan Albert以及各主要华人社团侨领应邀出席活动。福建同乡会理事、会员和来自五湖四海的朋友们团聚一起,共同欢庆羊年春节。

王群华会长代表福建同乡会向所有来宾朋友们拜年,他回顾了过去一年中同乡会所取得的成绩,并表示自己将不负众望,带领第三届理事会团队继往开来,把同乡会事业推向更美好的未来。黄亲国总领事、潘邦炤荣誉会长、洪泉龙荣誉会长、Mr. Sylvan Albert、林祥培总顾问和福建商会谢宇政会长先后上台致辞,并向现场的父老乡亲传递新年的祝福。



Celebration of Chinese New Year
On 22nd 2015, the WA Fujian Association held the Chinese New Year Celebration Party in the new “WA Fujianese House” Property located at Canning Vale. Dr. Qinguo Huang, Consul General of Consulate-General of the P.R.C in Perth, Mr. Sylvan Albert, Mayor for City of Bayswater, Leaders from other Chinese Communities, council members and more than 500 Chinese overseas and friends came together to celebrate Chinese New Year (Year of Goat).

Mr. Qunhua Wang, President of the WAFA, gave a passionate and encouraging speech on behalf of the association. He gave New Year’s greetings, summarized the achievements of the association during the past year, and promised to lead the association to a better future. Dr. Qinguo Huang, Consul General, Mr. Bangzhao Pan and Mr. Quanlong Hong, Lifetime Honorary Presidents of the WAFA, Mr. Sylvan Albert, Mr. Xiangpei Lin, Senior Advisor of the association, Mr. Yuzheng Xie, President of the WA Fujian Business Association gave speech and greetings in turns. 

Everyone participates in the tractional celebrating activities, such as lion dancing, enjoying tasty buffet, sending red packets to children, giving gifts to the elderly, games, and lucky draws. The whole garden was full of laugh and happiness till the end of the celebration. 

This event was responsible by Mr. Yichao Chen, Executive Vice President of the WAFA, Mr. Kaijian Lin, Executive Vice President, was responsible for the site preparation and management of volunteers. Mr. Wenqing He, Executive Vice President, was responsible for food preparation. Ms. Wenbo Chen, Director of Sports and Cultural Department of the association, was responsible for entertaining and being one of the host. Ms. Yizhen Chen, Council Member, was responsible for scene design and layout.