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日期:2016/1/7 10:57:07 阅读:2395



New year Reception Hosted by Consulate-General of the P.R.C in Perth

On 12th February 2015, a New Year Reception was held in the Consulate-General of the P.R.C in Perth. Dr. Yutong Liu, Vice Consul General, hosted the reception.

About 350 people attended this reception, including the Representative of WA Premier, Dr. Mike Nahan MLA, Treasurer; Minister for Energy; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, Mr. McGowan, the Leader of WA Opposition, and other dignitaries as well as politicians and business people in Western Australia, overseas Chinese, Chinese-funded institutions staff, overseas students representatives.

Mr. Qunhua Wang, President of the WA Fujian Association, on behalf of all WA overseas Chinese, gave his greeting to the motherland and people of his hometown. 

He was proud of brilliant achievements that China has achieved in the last year and remarkable economic benefits generated for China and Australia from business cooperation. He also thanked the supports from Consul General Dr. Qinguo Huang and all members of Consulate-General of the P.R.C in Perth, as well as people and institutions who supported, sponsored, and participated in the “Cultures of China, Festival of Spring”.