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Impress Office Furniture开业典礼

日期:2016/1/7 10:52:46 阅读:2474

2014年12月14日上午,由西澳福建同乡会名誉会长丁少平先生和副会长杨春杰先生共同创办的“Impress Office Furniture”办公家具店的开业典礼在Malaga隆重举行。中国驻珀斯总领馆张明领事,珀斯City of Swan市议员Mr. Kevin Bailey,西澳福建同乡会会长王群华先生,终身荣誉会长潘邦炤先生、洪泉龙先生,总顾问林祥培老先生,名誉会长郑乾坤先生以及澳大利亚时报张野博士作为剪彩嘉宾出席了本次开业典礼。此外,西澳福建同乡会众多理事、会员以及各兄弟社团的广大朋友也受邀出席,并送上花篮祝贺,气氛热闹非凡、轻松融洽。福建人勇往直前、爱拼才会赢的精神,再一次赢得了广大华人华侨的赞赏。

On 14th December2014, a grand opening ceremony of "Impress Office Furniture" was held in Malaga. Mr. Shaoping Ding, Honorary President of the WA Fujian Association, and Chunjie Yang, Vice President of the association, are co-founders of the shop. Mr. Ming Zhang, Consul of Consulate-General of the P.R.C in Perth, Mr. Kevin Bailey, Council of City of Swan, Mr. Qunhua Wang, President of the WAFA, Mr. Bangzhao Pan, Lifetime Honorary President, Mr. Quanlong Hong, Lifetime Honorary President, Mr. Xiangpei Lin, Senior Advisor, Mr. Bill TEH, Honorary President, and Dr. Ye Zhang, from Australian Chinese Times, attended as the ceremony as ribbon-cutting guests. Council Members of the WAFA, the majority of members and friends of the fraternal associations were also invited . They expressed their best wishes to Mr. Ding and Mr. Yang. the whole ceremony was relaxed, harmonious, and full of extraordinary festive atmosphere. Fujian people's courage and never giving up sprit continuously inspired many overseas Chinese.